Tuesday, May 31, 2011

northern eats and treats.

I've been away longer than expected, but the Vancouver garden is ok and not doing much with all the rain. I'll return to the urban plot in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime while in the Northern BC bush (in between planting trees) I've found many exciting and wild wonders...

The mighty morel.
A hat full of morels. I've noticed more morels in fir forests and of course the very popular mushroom hangout- old burns. I've been frying up fresh morels every other night!

 And what better to fry up some mushies with than wild onions. This patch was hard to miss with their unmistakable fragrance.

 Arnica is definitely not edible (very poisonous!), but when cut and sealed in a jar of olive oil for a few months it can be blended with beeswax to make a salve and used to soothe muscle aches, reduce inflammation, and heal wounds. You can pay big bucks for this at the homeopathic shop.

I started this earlier in the spring. It contains Dormant Cottonwood Buds and olive oil, which (like the Arnica) I will eventually make into a salve with beeswax and the infused oil. The buds contain salicylates (think aspirin) it is useful for pain, sprains and inflammation. Known for its natural antiseptic properties, it also helps with tissue regeneration.

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