Sunday, January 16, 2011

growing dates.

A growing list of what I would like to plant in the garden this year.

The dates are when I need to start the seeds indoors or outdoors and I've also included the moon-favorable dates: "Above-ground crops are planted during the light of the Moon (new to full); below-ground crops are planted during the dark of the Moon (from the day after it is full to the day before it is new again)." You can learn more about that and 2011's best planting dates for seeds in your area here.

These seeds need to be started indoors on the following dates:

Tomatoes: Feb 21-Mar 7 (Moon: 03/04-07)
Squash: Mar 22-Apr 5 (Apr 3-5)
Lettuce: Mar 7-22 (Mar 7-19)
Cucumbers: Mar 22-Apr 5 (Apr 3-5)
Celery: Feb 21-Mar 7 (Mar 4-7)
Peppers: Feb 21- Mar 7 (Mar 4-7)

West coasters can start these seeds outdoors in the ground on the following dates:

Beans: In the ground Apr 19-May 3 (Moon: May 2-3)
Beets: Mar 29-May 10 (Mar 29-Apr 2)
Carrots: Mar 15-29 (Mar 20-29)
Peas: Mar 7-22 (Mar 7-19)
Spinach: Mar 7-22 (Mar 2-3)
Radish: Apr 12-26 (Apr18-26)

According to The Old Farmer's Almanac Vancouver has the largest growing season in Canada with 221 gardening days (Mar 28 to November 5)!! Thompson MB has the least with 61 days (Jun. 15 - August 16).

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