Monday, April 4, 2011

New digs.

The seedlings were in desperate need of growing space, so I combed the house for bigger containers. I found little juice containers and paper coffee cups that work well. And an x-acto knife is the perfect tool for cutting the top off and poking holes in the bottom. 

I ripped the egg carton into singles and made a hole in the bottom to give the roots an easier root. 

 Next I simply placed the seedling, egg carton and all, into the juice container (that was filled with soil) and carefully watered to encourage the roots south.

And here they are all snug in their new home. The next transplant will be into the garden!

1 comment:

  1. It's a dirty, seedy business you're into Chels but good on ya! I just found carrots that survived the winter in my sad excuse for a garden, alas they fell victim to the hoe pre discovery...Luvyeroleman
