Sunday, April 10, 2011

The plot thickens.

 It's happening! We made the first garden box from recycled wood that we gleaned from a construction site. The first layer of wood is secured into the ground with metal stakes we found in the yard and we used recycled nails for the top layer.

 The layer of cardboard I laid down in the winter worked pretty well to kill the grass. I patched up green spots with newspaper. Then I put down two buckets of sand for drainage and then a layer of amazing compost given to us by our neighbor. In the next week I'll have about 4 yards of food grade soil deliver to top if off (our only expense so far apart from seeds).


Laying out the next raised bed (many more to come), most likely the home of my sprouting tomatoes.

Rhubarb scooped up from a demolished site.

Along with fennel/anise....

 Lemon balm, chive, sage....

 Lavender and more...

Today,  I also made mason bee homes. I'm hoping to have many helpers for the pollination of the garden. Learn more about Mason Bees! I am also taking a weekend honeybee course in two weeks, so maybe I'll have a beehive soon too!

 The construction of a mason bee home is so easy! All you need is a piece of dry wood (or bamboo) and a drill. Set up your homes on a sun facing wall, that has cover from the rain and a near by mud source, which you can make with a container stuck in the ground, just keep it topped up with water + dirt.

Happy gardening.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - Chelsea - this is so wonderful! And inspiring ...
    yer annt
