Monday, May 2, 2011

Free Food

Damo and I went foraging yesterday along the beach and forest floor. We harvested seaweed and all sorts of other (free!) nutritious and delicious delights.


Sea lettuce.
 It all needs to be cleaned of bugs and sand, while your still at the beach thoroughly wash in the sea, you lose all flavor if washed in the sink at home. We baked the sea lettuce in the oven until dry and crispy and cut the kelp into strips and let dry over night.

 Store in a tight lid jar- great for miso soups, salads, natural soup thickener etc.

 Next on the menu was Cattail roots. They're best in early spring when the new green shoots are sprouting. I had a small shovel to dig down to the white tender bits.

 They look much better after washed and peeled backed. Great in stir fries and raw in salads, tastes just like bamboo shoots.

Stinging nettle.

Springcress tastes a lot like watercress, but milder, it's great in salads and can be found all over the place.

Fiddle head ferns are abundant right now and are delicious when fried up with garlic and butter.


Our loot. yum.


  1. You guys are great, so fresh and FREE. I remember as a kid we used to have fiddleheads for Christmas dinner. mmmmm!!

  2. Can't you get all that stuff at 7/11? Where's the remote and pass me the chips!
